Alice: After having tested the Qui Qong as a teenager, I started yoga while I was in my thirties, hyper active, to solve back problems and muscle tensions. Anyway that's what I thought ... To the physical benefits were quickly added questions about the origin of these tensions, the difficulty of making choices, the place for oneself. Thus beyond a physical well being, Yoga allows me to reinvest my life and add meaning where the course of things heckled me before. And I have so much to discover! |
Aurélie: I came to the association out of curiosity. From the first class, I felt very welcome by the group. The first courses gave me a great relaxation and allowed me to distance myself from my worries. These are always beautiful parentheses. The postures and the work on the breath have brought me to very pleasant states of calm. I took a liking to this practice because it allows me to know myself better. Meditations, through the calmness they bring, make it possible to take stock and identify, little by little, what is really important and the problems that need to be solved. It is a questioning of oneself, but not in violence, nor imposed, as it could happen in life. You decide where you go and how you go, while you are guided when you need it. As Jerome said: "One must ask oneself what is his desire and listen to his desire. " |
Aurélie: I started yoga at age 22 following a trip to India where I had experienced meditation. I have been looking for a similar experience in Lyon, I have tried several courses and it is this one that I chose because the practice is authentic, there is a real work of observation and progression. This has greatly contributed to my appeasement, concentration and understanding of my personal functioning. A real step! |
Bernard: Young, I was looking for an answer to what could guide my life. Without really being aware of it, I became involved in this teaching of yoga in September 1978. At first it was a more postural practice, then with the breath. And then Jerome, always gave me an explanation that went beyond posture and breath. I realized that there was more and more a sensitive aspect and then a mental implication. Meditation and discussions around texts have allowed me to better understand myself. And throughout these years I have always had an answer and guidance to go further. | |
Denise: My yogi approach started late although it has been present to my mind for a long time. It took me a first trip to South India, especially at Mahabalipuram to take the step. It was near Jerome that I understood what I was looking for. The meeting then with our "Indian Masters" was definitive. How to explain what you feel in the presence of people, places of experience if not living it, being inspired. It is like a mountain landscape that makes me particularly serene and contemplative, I thank Mother Nature, my senses are awake, sensitive to what surrounds me, I observe and take time: to go to the essential, Give meaning to his life. This makes it possible to sort, repeatedly repeated. The Master is there to guide and remind us. Effort is necessary and sharing. I knew only the postural part of yoga but today it also involves concentration, study of texts, hygiene of life to respect and it helps me a lot in the management of the daily and the maintenance of a good physical and mental health. | |
Francis: I was looking for a way to go beyond my consciousness, to develop faculties that I knew intellectually latent and that would bring me a better understanding of why I was there. | |
Françoise: When I started Yoga, I wanted to find a personal approach. I felt that I had to free myself from a hindrance that prevented me from existing. I had to put that burden of the past that I felt weighing on my shoulders. And I discovered that little by little, by dint of walking, life can become more precious, lighter ... | |
Joëlle: The beginning of my practice, the beginning of a beautiful adventure ... I started Yoga at 17 years old. I was looking for myself, sometimes I had a feeling of "inner malaise". I thought Yoga could help me. I learned that a course was offered at the MJC in Saint-Priest. I took my bike to the information meeting at the beginning of the year. From the first experiences of this practice, I had the feeling that I had found what suited me ... And 33 years later, this conviction is still there and always accompanied me in moments of doubt or discouragement. Through this work, I set out on a path to know myself, accept myself and discover new facets of myself. A beautiful adventure ... |